這幅購至荷蘭商店 The Village Shop
還真是千里迢迢 海的另一邊來
打到包裹 看到拼圖的那一瞬間
哇~~~ 買到真是賺到 值得呀
拼圖金額折合台幣大約1500元左右 (包含電匯費用 銀行手續費)
也要謝謝April po花仙子的拼圖照片
讓阿花跌入花仙子坑洞 多一個要收藏的拼圖圖案
漂亮的拼圖外盒 真有質感
Wild Cherry 野生櫻桃
In April when the
woodland ways are all made glad and sweet with primroses and violets
New-opened at your feet, Look up and see a fairy tree,
With blossoms white In clusters light,
All set on stalks so slender, With pinky leaves so tender.
O Cherry tree, wild Cherry Tree!
You lovely, lovely thing to see!
Almond Blossom 杏花
joy! the winter's nearly gone!
Soon will Spring come dancing on; before her, here dance I,
pink like sunrise in the sky.
Other lovely things will follow;
Soon will cuckoo come, and swallow;
Birds will sing and buds will burst;
But the Almond is the first!
Harebell 藍鈴花
O bells, on stems so thin and fine!
No human ear Your sound can hear,
O lightly chiming bells of mine!
When dim and dewy twilight falls,
Then comes the time When harebells chime
For fairy feasts and fairy bells.
They tinkle while the fairies play, With dance and song,
The whole night long, Till daybreak wakens, cold and grey,
And elfin music fades away.
Poppy 罌栗
The green wheat's a-growing, The lark sings on high;
In scarlet silk a-growing, Here stand I.
The wheat's turning yellow, Ripening for sheaves;
I hear the little fellow Who scares the bird-thieves.
Now the harvest's ended, The wheat-field is bare;
But still, red and splendid,
I am there.
底盒還有介紹到這位畫家 Cicely Mary Barker
官網: http://www.flowerfairies.com/
其實之前 阿花還有找到這個品牌Buffalo Games 也有出花仙子Fairyopolis 系列的拼圖喔
Willow Fairy
Blackberry Fairy
Beechnut Fairy
下個月 阿花再把它們買回家
因為這個月的銀彈 已經花掉一半
(哈哈~~~ 這是阿花嗎? 竟然會寫這一句出來 不敢相信哄)
補充: (2012/08/05 1:30pm)
原本是要訂購花仙子全集 可是這本已經無法訂購
就改買四季及立體書 收藏用~~~呵呵
Flower Fairies of the Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
這本是How to Find Flower Fairies
立體書 超讚的